Marina James Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

Bill Gates worked with a life coach for most of his career. In his viral 2013 TED talk he said: “Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”

Bariatric Life Coaching can be vulnerable and new, so it’s natural to be nervous. Sitting with someone and talking about how you feel can feel intimidating. Sharing your dreams that you are not sure you can reach can feel foolish. The fear around that can feel overwhelming. It takes courage to ask for guidance. The fact that you are on this website, looking for help, and reading this right now shows that you are brave and seeking what you need to succeed. 

A coaching relationship is a space where you can be yourself and feel safe from judgment, including feeling nervous. I’m committed to finding a way to care for your nervousness and ensure sessions are as comfortable as possible. 

I’m here if you want to discuss it during a FREE 15-Minute consultation!

Take your time to read through my website. Then, if you sense that I may be a good fit based on what you are reading, you can email me a request for an intake questionnaire. 

During the intake session, you can ask me questions about my approach, how I have helped others like you before, or any other questions you may have that are specific to you. Hearing your story, I will start to understand your life’s challenges and goals. You’ll also be able to tell me what is stopping you in life, and we can determine how I could best serve you. The session is designed to give you clarity on what you want and if we are a good fit to work together. At the end of the session, if I believe I can help you, I will offer you a 3-6 month contract.

It’s natural not to want to share some of the painful or difficult things we’ve been through. During our sessions, it will always be up to you whether you feel ready to talk about something. It’s my job to give you space to start to work through the tough stuff slowly. You can also tell me that you are nervous about opening up about something, and we can talk about that, too. Whatever is present for you. Whatever you are going through. Bring that to the session, and we can explore that together.

If you open up to me, I will not think you are too much; I will think you are unique and human. Many of my clients have had the same fear (that people would think they are too much). 

Working with my clients has shown me that the challenges you are facing are normal and natural. 

You’re not being dramatic or “too much.” Nothing you can say will cause me to judge you. 

I know nobody’s perfect; we all suffer in different ways; we are humans trying to be human. 

Whatever it is you’re going through; I provide a safe space where you can feel heard and supported without judgment.

It can be concerning to feel like things you say or do in therapy could get out. What you say in sessions stays between you and me.

I highly respect your privacy and value your trust.

You can rest assured that you can talk about anything without fear of that information getting out.

If you have specific questions about how confidentiality works, you can ask during your FREE discovery session or anytime during our work together.

Both professions can help you get to a better place than where you began. However, there are differences between them…

Therapy: If you want someone to listen to your problem and explore your feelings. Therapists are trained to treat mental illness or other significant emotional and relational concerns.

Coaching: if you want progressive self-development, clarification of your goals, and someone to help you get there in a timely manner. Coaches seek to help you elevate performance in a specific area.

It entirely depends on the level of need and the evolution of your goals! Some clients meet their original personal goals within 3-6 months. Other clients are “lifers” by choice as they develop new goals over time or enjoy mentorship as ongoing self-care, self-development, and accountability. 

L During the discovery session, you can ask me questions about my approach, how I have helped others like you before, or any other questions you may have that are specific to you. Hearing your story, I will start to understand your life’s challenges and goals. You’ll also be able to tell me what is stopping you in life, and we can determine how I could best serve you. We will do an exercise to create a blueprint of your vision and desires in life and work. We will set realistic goals and figure out what’s needed to help you reach them. 

The session is designed to give you clarity on what you want and if we are a good fit to work together. At the end of the session, if I believe I can help you, I will offer you a 3-6 month contract.

Hypnotherapy is working on the level of subconscious mind. I am a certified hypnotherapist, over time I have learned that some problem are a lot faster to resolve and goals are easier to reach if the work (on occasion) is done with subconscious mind.

Hypnosis (simply put- relaxation technique and a conversation) goes deeper into your subconscious mind, where actual change happens.

Research shows that the average success rate for hypnotherapy is 93% after an average of 6 sessions. This was compared to a 38% success rate after an average of 600 sessions for psychoanalysis and 72% after 22 sessions for behavior therapy. 

It can bring up old forgotten memories, and it can be harmful if you do not have a therapist to help you work through them. However, I am a trained therapist who can help you through what can arise.

Yes, you will be in a very light trance, where you are fully aware of what is going on. You will be focused on my voice but still, hear everything else in the background. You will have full memories of what was said and thought.  

Yes, you can become fully awake if you are uncomfortable in the trance.

Yes, I offer some weekend and evening hours.

Let’s Get Started Today!

Ready to start feeling better? If you feel lost in life on some level and unsure of how to find your way, therapeutic coaching could help.

Start now and discover ways to manage whatever life throws at you. During your discovery video call, you can start getting a feel for how I can help, and we can discuss next steps.

Email or text me if you have any questions or for your FREE 90-minute discovery video call consultation today:

Call or text: 267.982.4444

Email: [email protected]